Chapter 7
The meat packing industry has turned the job of packing meat into a low skill factory like job, very similar to McDonalds. This changed the meat packing idustry and hurt the workers as the new system allowed the owners to exploit their workers more easily and efficiently to increase their profit. These modern meat packing plants are cautious of labor unions and do all they can to prevent them as that would cut in to their profits. The modern meat packing industry has also greatly hurt smaller communities.
"far from being a liability, a high turnover rate in the meat packing industry - as in the fsat food industry - also helps maintain a work force that is ahrder to unionize and much easier to control"
This chapter once again shows the different parts of the food indusry that are relevant to the fast food industry and how just like the fast food industry the exploit and mis-treat their workers. It shows how the intentions of the heads of these companies is purely financial and they would go to many lengths and screw over as many people as they can to increase their profits.
Chapter 8
The working conditions in meat packing plants are absolutely terrible. It is a very dangeraus and unsafe job, the actual labor is dangerous and the contamination of the plant is equal as dangerous. It is not uncommon that body parts are lost on the job. In the case of Kenny Dobins he was a man who was very loyal to his meat packing plant and endured and immense number of injuries and somehow continued on working. One time when he was ill and was hospitalized the company fired him without notifying him and he was given nothing, basically left to dead.
"they used me to the point where I had no body parts left to give."
I think the quote from Kenny is particularly saddening. As a very hard and loyal worker, soemthing most employers praise, Kenny was simply thrown away and given nothing because that would save the company the most money. The greed and exploitation of the bosses in the food industry does not only get more and more evident but also more and more horrific. They truly have no care for human life.
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