Precis: The american health system sucks. It is true that many people don't get insurance and are in very bad positions medically. However, even people with health insurance don't get good coverage. Insurance companies incentive is money not the health of their clients. Insurance companies find ways to deny coverage and leave people with huge co-payments that many time put them in debt. We should have a socialized healthcare system instead.
A. 1)Interviews with Canadians on thier healthcare system
2) US ranking 37 for healthcare in the world
B. The ranking of the US healthcare system shows how poorly the US is ranked despite being the richest country in the world. One would think that with the weatlh the US has it's healthcare system would rank higher. This piece of evidence helps drive home Moore's point that the current system we have is not taking care of the American people. The interviews with Canadians on their healthcare system helps provide a feasible alternative. In interviewing them he shows that the people are generally satisfied and they don't have to pay. Canada a country which is far less wealthy than the US is providing better healthcare for their people.
C.I believe Moore gets to angry when arguing and that weakens his response but he responds correctly by saying he will post all the facts again on his website. He is being questioned by repbulicans who he showed in his film are funded by these insurance companies. It is obvious that they would like to attack his points because they are funded by the people Moore is attacking in his film.
Response: Moore did a good job of pointing out the flaws in the system we have. He showed how although one may have coverage it does not necessarily mean they will be taken care of. He showed alternatives that worked in other countries. The part that stuck out the most too me was the relationship between the insurance companies and politicians. It is obvious that republicans would support the insurance companies and pass bills to help them because they are being funded by these same companies.
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