Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 34

Birth is something that has changed over the years as technology and medicine have advanced. Many times you hear stories of older home births in which it was much more dangerous and it was quite possibly fatal for the mother. However now that we industrialized hospitals we have taken away a lot of the danger related to birth. Drugs play a big part in alleviating the pain that comes with birth. However it is not that uncommon to hear of somebody having a "natural" birth, meaning they don't use drugs. The reasons for this can vary from person to person but I would like to explore are there any proven scientific advantages to a natural birth? What effects do the drugs given to the mother have on her child?

Birth is a very special process in our society but how has it really transformed over the years? How has the industrialization of our hospitals affected how women give birth? (Other than the drugs, maybe focusing more on the process.). I also think it would be interesting to focus on the males role in assisting a woman before and during birth. Have these customs changed over the years? Are they better/worse? What would be the best way a male could help?

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