The bodies exhibit is one of the most interesting museums I have been to. Reflecting on such an experience after studying the care of the dead unit brings up many different questions and reactions. The bodies exhibit displays preserved bodies in different position assuming everyday tasks such as playing sports, etc. The method used for preserving these bodies is called platination, which is very similar to that used when a funeral director does an embalming. Therefore, on an environmental level does preserving these bodies cause the same environmental effects as embalmings due?
This exhibit, as expected, is quite controvertial. There are two main opposing arguments/controversies. The first one being the pure ethics on an exhibit like this. People have argues that it is simply unethical to display the bodies in such a way. Some people have argued that is disrespectful to the bodies being used and that the exhibit is like a carnival. In opposition to this arguement people stand by the educational value of such an exhibit. The exhibit allows you too see the inner body in a way most people have never been able to before. The structure of bones and muscle is truly fascinating and can be very beneficial as an educational experience.
Furthermore, there has been controversy over where the bodies were obtained from. Gunther Von Hagen, the creator of the plastination method of preservation and the creator of this exhibit has argues that the bodies have all been legitimately obtained. The controversy has arisen as suspicion that the bodies being used were executed Chinese prisoners. China, in fact has on of the highest execution rates for its prisoners. Von Hagen is now saying that all the bodies are from Europe and have been given consent before the people whose bodies are being used died. This switch was made because Von Hagen was afraid that the bodies might in fact be executed prisoners. However, this was not to his knowledge and he made this switch to avoid further controversy surrounding that issue.
The bodies exhibit is very interesting and donating ones body to science may be a very reasonable and more appealing option for some people. The bodies exhibit has many educational benefits and the arguement of ethics is based upon tradition of care of the dead which as proven through the care of the dead unit hold very little reasoning.
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