Wednesday, April 20, 2011

HW 46 (t/w group - comment on this one)

I have never really thought much about the care of the dead. I personally don't believe in an afterlife. Once someone is dead, that's is they are dead. Therefore the care of the dead is not so big of a deal to me. I believe when doing whatever rituals one chooses for the dead, as long as they do so respectufully it should be fine. Large excessive tombstones and big fancy funerals seem unnecessary to me. We spend thousands of dollars to care for someone after the die; but does funneling money into a funreal or burial or whatever it may be make much of a difference? To me, not really.
I was once at a funeral for an uncle I had never met. There was a big ceremony in a church. The casket was at the front of the audience. People were going up one by one and giving speeches. Some of them would break down and cry on stage and others would be fine. The environment was very emotional and seemed over the top to me. It just seemed unnecessary. I think back to that and I still don't really understand why these are the customs we have. Hopefully this unit will be able to break that down.

I am curious as too how exactly the dead are handled in terms of their funeral how they are buried, cremated, etc.
What are all the different options for care of the dead?
why do people invest in the care of the dead so much? what makes it so important?

1 comment:

  1. Omar,

    "But does funneling money into a funreal or burial or whatever it may be make much of a difference?". This line stuck out to m. you made your point of view on caring for dead noticed, yet very significant. were now seeing that the funeral system and the actual tendencies and rituals of our culture when it comes to caring for the dead are all industrialized. many things in our structured society are pointless, and its crazy to see that funerals and burials are apart of it.
